Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl
Director Department of Experimental Neurology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Director of QUEST Center, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)
PREMIER Project Leader
Concept and Development

Dipl. Biochem. Claudia Kurreck
Quality Manager
PREMIER Project Coordinator
Concept and Implementation, Management of Documents, Key Performance Indicators, Audits and Assessments, Wiki, LabCIRS, Training

Dr. René Bernard
PREMIER Scientific Support
Open Access, Open Data, Randomizing, Blinding, Nesting, Audits and Assessments, Training

Dipl. Ing. Ingo Przesdzing
PREMIER IT Development
Electronic Laboratory Notebook, Wiki, LabCIRS, Databases, Data Archiving, Training
The Advisory Board consists of six members who are experts in the fields of open science, open data and scientific research, as well as a scientific publisher, scientific sponsor and a member of the Volkswagen Foundation.
The PREMIER Advisory Board has been supporting this project with its expertise for three years already and advises us on all scientific questions.

Dr. Oliver Grewe
Scientific Consultant Life Sciences, Volkswagen Foundation
Member of the promotion team „persons and structures“ of the Volkswagen Foundation. Responsible for the areas natural- and life sciences of the Freigeist Fellowship Program. Prior to that, he was in charge of the areas evolutionary biology, biomedicine and tropical medicine.
Career: Study of biology, musical science, communication studies and philosophy in Münster and Bologna. Doctorate in natural sciences and postdoctoral studies at the Institute for Music Physiology and Music Medicine, Hanover, Germany. Since 2008 employed as scientific advisor at German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the Scientific Commission Lower Saxony, Germany. Outside of this, Mr. Grewe also has been working as business coach for academics since 2015.
Phone: +49 511 8381-252

Dr. Anton Bespalov
CEO, Partnership for Assessment and Accreditation of Scientific Practice GmbH (PAASP)
Dr. Bespalov obtained his MD degree from Pavlov Medical University (St. Petersburg) and after completion of PhD studies in St. Petersburg and Utrecht held NIH-supported Fellowships at Medical College of Virginia (Richmond, VA) and Scripps Institute (La Jolla, CA). After habilitation (DMedSci) in 2000, Anton acted as a research director of Valdman Institute of Pharmacology. In 2004, Anton joined Abbott (later AbbVie) but maintained close connections to Pavlov Medical University where he is a professor at the Institute of Pharmacology and chaired the University’s Scientific Advisory Board. During his tenure at Abbott / AbbVie as head of pharmacology department, Anton and his teams have brought several compounds into preclinical and clinical development, supported licensing and due diligence decisions. Anton has established and managed research contracts and collaborations with 100+ biotech companies, CROs and academic labs around the world. Founded and leads several international initiatives on preclinical data quality.

Prof. Dr. Michael Gotthardt
Professor for Experimental and Translational Cardiology, MDC
Dr. Gotthardt is Professor of Experimental & Translational Cardiology at Max-Delbruck-Center for Molecular Medicine and Charité Medical School, Berlin. He has a track record of national and international collaboration including research initiatives (DZHK – German center for cardiovascular research with 28 German institutions), program project grants (SFB-TR/19 “inflammatory cardiomyopathy”, DFG research group “Regulation and deregulation of muscle growth”, DFG Research group “Structure, function, and regulation of the myofibrillar Z-disc interactome”, BMBF E:Bio program CaRNAtion / coordinator Michael Gotthardt), twinning grants between basic scientists and clinicians (institutional and DFG funded), and graduate programs (TransCard Helmholtz Research School / coordinator Michael Gotthardt and the DFG funded MyoGrad program). He is currently collaborating with >50 researchers and provides research reagents and animal models to the community.

Dr. Katja Hartig
Program Director Life Sciences, DfG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Dr. Katja Hartig did her PhD in molecular biology/genetics 2001-2004 at the University of Bayreuth. She was DfG project leader and research scientist 2005-2007 in Bayreuth. Since 2007 Dr. Hartig employed as specialist at the DfG head office in Bonn. Since 2010 she has cross-divisional responsibility for the fields “handling of research data”, infrastructures and Digital Change. Additional she is responsible for the subject “Epidemiology, Medical Biometry, Medical Informatics” as well as the technology- and methods platform for connected medical research (TMF). She is member of the dialogue forum of the medicine informatics initiative of the BMBF. Since 2016 Dr. Hartig is deputy group leader “Medicine” and since 2017 she is member of the DfG project group “ Digital Change in Science”.
Phone: +49 228 885-2359

Dr. Bernd Pulverer
Chief Editor and Head of Scientific Publications, EMBO
Following undergraduate studies in Cambridge, Bernd received his PhD in 1992 from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, London, for uncovering posttranslational regulation of the transcription factors c-Jun and c-Myc by the JNK and MAP kinases. He carried out postdoctoral research at the Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle and at the University of Innsbruck. Bernd was associate and then senior editor at Nature from 1999 until 2002 and subsequently chief editor of Nature Cell Biology. He has been the chief editor of The EMBO Journal and Head of Scientific Publications at EMBO since 2009.

Dr. Paul Schultze-Motel
Coordinator - Helmholtz Open Science
Dr. Paul Schultze-Motel has been working for the Open Science Coordination Office of the Helmholtz Association at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) since 2010. His previous positions include stages in science administration at Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin and at Technische Universität Berlin as well as jobs in digital publishing with several educational publishers. He is a biologist and received his Ph.D. from Freie Universität Berlin.
Phone: +49 331 288-1653
- The PREMIER concept is pre-registered at OSF: PREMIER: Structured Quality Assurance from and for Academic Preclinical Biomedicine:
- Quality management for academic laboratories: burden or boon? published in the EMBO Journal.
- We investigate practicable options for auditing which have the potential to improve quality of preclinical research in academia. Preprint: Improving quality of preclinical academic research through auditing: A feasibility study: published at Plos One
- A Laboratory Critical Incident and Error Reporting System for Experimental Biomedicine: LabCIRS at Plos Biology
- A pocket guide to electronic laboratory notebooks in the academic life sciences:F1000Research
- Rethinking research reproducibility. EMBO Journal
- Resolving the Tension Between Exploration and Confirmation in Preclinical Biomedical Research. Handb Exp Pharmacol. Springer
- Preregistration of exploratory research: Learning from the golden age of discovery. Plos Biology
PREMIER is funded by